Faux-pretentious, moi?

Monday, August 22, 2005

Another visitor, another fridge magnet

"Alas! methinks I see the ghost of a vile lady here in my goblet."

My set of Shakespearean fridge magnets lends itself so easily to sexual innuendo - with words like "codpiece" and "bosom" among it, what d'you expect? - that it's actually quite refreshing to have something unrelated. (Okay, inebriation probably isn't much better, but at least it's different.) That said, considering I've known Isabelle since she was a baby, it would have been a bit disturbing if she'd come out with something sexual ...

We got to spend most of Sunday together and had a great time. Things started off well when I managed to get out of singing mattins (I can't say I missed Rutter's canticles one little bit) to meet her at the bus station, so after an hour or so at my flat we set off back into town with a rough plan for the rest of the day: getting a bite to eat, seeing a Fringe show - see the previous post for my review - getting her train ticket for going home next morning and having a bit of a wander around town before my rehearsal back at the church, in time for evensong at six, all the while catching up on heaps of news from both sides of the family.

Six of us went for a couple of drinks after the service (all early Scottish music, not terribly interesting to sing), where the conversation got terribly anoraky, being mostly to do with choral singing. Just as well Isabelle is also a musician or she'd have felt really left out ... Back home, I made us both something to eat - mushroom and mangetout risotto, which seems to be turning into a speciality of mine - and we settled down to watch Finding Neverland, having been discussing the fine acting of Johnny Depp while queuing up for MacHomer.

The plumber called at eight this morning (Monday) - my shower's decided to give up the ghost and it's likely I'll have to get it replaced, at horrendous cost - so we were up early, in ample time for a little breakfast before leaving the house, she to catch her train and I to get to work, where it turned out I was meant to be on the very early shift only I'd not looked at the rota. Oops ...


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