Faux-pretentious, moi?

Friday, September 02, 2005

Catching up, part II

My Fridays tend to be either jam-packed or spent lying around doing not very much and as I had a visitor last week, it could only be the former.

First up was a shopping trip to Tesco, taking a vast number of empty bottles (accumulated since my birthday party back in May!) to the bottle bank on the way and returning later with rather a lot of bits and pieces, ready to get going with preparations for the evening's party. The one thing we were unable to find at Tesco was a Pyrex dish suitable for the dessert I had planned, so I accompanied Marcus into town and pointed him in the right direction for the Queen's Hall (he went to the lunchtime string quartet recital in my place) while I went to John Lewis and got said Pyrex dish.

Thence I dashed home and hurriedly made what I term a non-trifle - starting from the bottom, a layer of torn-up chocolate chip muffins, loads of raspberries and very rich (home-made) chocolate mousse, left to set in the fridge before spreading whipped cream over the top - before meeting Paul for a coffee down the road. (He's the new man I've been warbling on about, in case you'd not guessed.)

In due course Marcus rang to say the concert was over and we met back at the Balmoral Hotel before heading to the Blue Moon for a late (and filling) lunch. A change of scene was in order, so next on our list was seeing his fellow students of St George's in their revue show - where I rather confounded Marcus' expectations by throughly enjoying the darkness of the humour - after which we headed home for an hour or two.

Marcus had one more show to see, this time Hair, starring one of his housemates, so I carried on with the food preparation until Paul arrived, knowing he'd prove a bit of a distraction ... I'd expected Peter and Rob to show up next but Marcus returned first, which was probably a good thing as he and Paul got a chance to get acquainted before the old hands arrived. Definitely a good idea to have introduced Paul to my two closest Edinburgh friends at the same times as they met Marcus, as it meant less individual pressure on the newcomers.

It all went swimmingly. The highlight of the evening, for me, came in Peter's parting words to Paul as the latter left, something to the effect of "we'll likely see each other again soon", a seal of approval if there ever was one.


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