Faux-pretentious, moi?

Thursday, July 21, 2005

O beware, my lord, of jealousy

The culture vultures among you will, I trust, be utterly sick with envy on reading what events I'm going to as part of the various festivals in Edinburgh next month. With no further ado:

Friday 5th: a preview of Monty Python in French - a sell-out in Paris, apparently, and besides sounding damn funny, the linguist in me is intrigued.
Saturday 6th: Purcell's Dido and Aeneas - nuff said.
Tuesday 9th: an event I can't speak about*.
Friday 12th: Jonathan Harvey's Beautiful thing - I've seen the film often enough, but the original play has eluded me, until now.
Wednesday 17th: Britten's Curlew river with a stunning line-up which extends into the instrumental ensemble.
Friday 19th: Magdalena Kozena in recital - again, say no more.
Saturday 20th: Bach cantatas for solo voice - I can't pass up a performance of Vergnügte Ruh' ...
Monday 22nd: Monteverdi Vespers (not the 1610 ones but a recreation of a different service) conducted by Rinaldo Alessandrini in the one period instrument performance of the festival.
Wednesday 24th: the Rotterdam Philharmonic playing Tchaikovsky's 4th and the Mozart Sinfonia concertante for violin and viola, a great favourite of mine.
Friday 26th: the Michelangelo Quartet playing Mozart, Haydn and the Schubert quintet - should be bliss.
Friday 2nd (Sept.): the Dutch National Ballet dancing to music by Ravel and Chopin.

Bear in mind that these are only the ones for which I've booked tickets (there'll be more to come at shorter notice) and you'll understand that I'm well chuffed. Let the green-eyed monster strike!

* At the suggestion of my friend Peter, three of us have/are to select an event to attend together, the other two knowing nothing save the date, time and venue. Discretion prevents me from revealing what my choice is until afterwards.


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