Faux-pretentious, moi?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Holidays and a change of scene

After the not altogether pleasant time we've had recently here in Edinburgh, I'm lucky enough to have next week off and will appreciate being able to get away. Tomorrow I'm off to the isle of Arran for the day to see my friend Kris, who's working there this summer - the first time I'll have seen her since January.

The original plan was to stay there overnight, but my plumbing problems from last month has re-arisen so I'll need to be back in time to call a plumber in first thing on Tuesday. A great shame, as I was looking forward to spending some time with Kris, not to mention that I've yet to spend a night away from my flat this year!

The next few days should be on the quiet side - as far as I recall, the only plan I've got is seeing War of the worlds with my friend Rob on Tuesday evening (put off from the weekend, when more scenes of destruction would not have made for comfortable viewing) - and then it's off to London on Friday, which in the light of Thursday's bombings, is likely to be a bit surreal, to say the least.

I've just checked my flight times and am a little shocked to see my flights (in both directions) leave at the 6:30am mark, a bit early even by my standards. Still, it means I'll be arriving in London in time for an early breakfast before (probably) hitting the shops, starting off with Chappells, where it's all too easy to spend a small fortune on sheet music. I was supposed to be meeting my friend Luke (at whose flat I'll be staying) for lunch, but it might be the only occasion I have to see my uncle, the one about whom I was so concerned on Thursday and Friday, so I feel he should take priority.

I'm only in London three days (returning on Monday morning, just in time to go more or less straight to work), so it's going to be a bit hectic catching up with everyone. I expect to be back behind the counter next Monday feeling I could do with another week off, as good as sign as any that I'll have had a good break.


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