Faux-pretentious, moi?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Customer dopeyness hits a new low

Work wasn't bad today - Nicola Benedetti continues to do nicely, the only CD to shift more copies being a freebie - but what made it really memorable was a cutomer handing me a glasses lens he'd found on the floor. Quite a thick one at that, so we could only assume that it had dropped out of someone's glasses frame and, don't ask me how this is possible, they didn't notice. I could have been left utterly dejected by this new evidence of the world turning stupid, only I swiftly dissolved into giggles. This being too good a story to keep to myself, my colleagues swiftly followed suit.

On an even brighter note, the sunshine has brought out all the pretty boys. Edinburgh is so cruisey!


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